Fancy a McDonald’s ad without fries

McDonald’s UK has done something very telling about brand-led marketing, brand salience, brand equity and just having a bit of fun with your brand

G'day Frank
7 min readJan 20, 2023

Firstly, if you haven’t seen the ad here it is below:

Now right off the bat, bloody great job, Leo Burnett 👏 It’s funny, relatable and borderline cheeky. Directed by British filmmaker, Edgar Wright it’s a welcome surprise to see why this ad is really good.

But I wanna focus your attention on the branding going on here. Specifically the distinctive assets of the McDonald’s brand. And each point matches a screenshot of the ad I’ve included below.


I’ve banged on about this for years, but I think a logo (or at minimum, a part of it) should be simple enough to draw from memory and someone else recognises it. We know it’s a McDonald’s ad from the sketch on a (yellow — brand colour) post-it note. YES!



G'day Frank

G’day I’m Frank, a brand identity designer from Sydney, Australia